One on One with Lauren Valenti

We finally have some sexy representation from the mountain states. The gorgeous Lauren Valenti recently sat down with us for a little introduction. Photos: Jay Kilgore
Where are you originally from?
Denver, CO
What is your nationality?
I’m from the states, but my grandparents were from Sicily and Hungary.
What are your measurements?
I’m a staggering 5’5-5’10 depending on how tall my heels are, and 34-26-34
Give us 5 words that you think best describe you?
Passionate, spontaneous, laid-back, honest, and genuine.
You’re a Cancer, how would you describe your personality in that regard?
I’m definitely sensitive, but the good thing about that is it gives me experience in my life to be empathetic towards other people. I just have a non-judgmental understanding of everyone.
What would you say is your best asset? What do others compliment you on the most?
I really love my body type. I can stay active but keep my curves. However, I get a lot of complements on my eyes.
How did you get started in modeling?
Everyone kept saying, “You should model.” I’d be at work and strangers would tell me that. So I thought, “what the hell, let’s give it a go!”
What do you enjoy most about modeling?
I love that it gives me motive and drive to take care of myself. I take it as an excuse to constantly work out, eat right, and get my hair and nails done.
“Having sexy arms and a tight core tie into each other. It’s an instant turn on when a guy has a defined core and arms.”
Do you enjoy the constant attention and adoration that comes with being a glamour model?
I have gotten more attention, but I wouldn’t say it’s changed my life much…yet! As a model I love being in front of a camera and center of attention. But it doesn’t break my attitude towards modeling.
Let’s switch gears to learn more about what makes you tick. What type of man are you attracted to?
Driven ones. Men who are motivated, disciplined, and educated, but know how to put their ego aside.Men who can focus on their success but have time for me too.
What trait do you think is most important in determining someone’s attractiveness?
I don’t mean to be cliche but their personality. If I think you’re sexy that’s one thing, but to keep me interested you have to be more than a hot body/face.
What personal qualities do you think the men of the future should have?
A positive attitude. I always say, “Lazy and negative people always end up working harder in the end.”
What body part of a man do you think is sexiest?
Having sexy arms and a tight core tie into each other. It’s an instant turn on when a guy has a defined core and arms.

When it comes to your taste in men, pick one: “the bad boy” or “the nice guy”?
Both. Nice guys finish last because they always put their ladies first. Bad boys keep my attention. There’s a line to draw between both.
How does a man keep you interested once he’s caught your attention? How do you show him that he has your attention?
Once I realize he’s unique from other men, it entices me to learn more about him. Typically a guy will KNOW if I’m interested, because I’ll make it happen if I am.
Let’s take it up a notch, are you the quiet type in the bedroom or the loud one?
Loud. It’s more entertaining that way.
When it comes to men, what are some of your turn offs?
I don’t appreciate lazy or negative men.
What’s the most memorable thing a guy has done to get your attention?
This guy once let me know some of his personal secrets. It showed me he trusted me.
In contrasts, what was the worse thing?
I was at a bar and I drunk, sloppy guy tried to make out with the side of my face. I’m not above kicking some ass if you seriously invade my space like that.
Do you have a quote that you live by?
“Man becomes what he thinks about”
What is your favorite city?
I haven’t been to LA or NYC but I already know I love those. My heart belongs to Denver, but I love Austin or San Fransisco.
What is your favorite sports team?
Where can we see more of you?
Like my facebook fan page, official LV fanpage
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