Where do I begin? With a personality and sex appeal unlike any other, I present the gorgeous Tara Babcock. She is a professional model and writer for Impulse Gamer. Tara is all over your favorite magazines from American Curves to Muscle magazine and Ultimate MMA. Let’s see what this stunner is all about. Photos by Michael Bell.

Tara, where are you originally from? I was born and raised in Seattle, Washington, where I currently still reside. I do plan to eventually relocate to a city where I can be closer to a modeling hub so I don’t have to travel as much for work, but right now I am settled in an awesome place in Seattle. All my friends and family are here and I don’t feel like I am ready for such a drastic change. It’s so cliche to relocate to Los Angeles anyway!
I’m sure you do just fine without the cliche! You have an outstanding body. What are your measurements? My measurements are 36-23-36 on average. My bra size is 34DD, though. It took me quite a while to understand how bra sizes in the US work! No wonder men think women are so confusing!
Well, I wouldn’t complain! What do you think people like most about you?
I’m sure people like seeing my boobies, or my near-nude glamour work the most, but lately, since I started writing for ImpulseGamer.com, it seems like they are even more intrigued now that they know I’m not just another pretty face! Kind of like my super beautiful interviewer, Laura Elisa!
Thank you! A babe like you that’s also a gamer? So sexy. So How did you get into modeling? I just decided one day in high school that it was what I was going to attempt to do with my life. I never wanted to do a 9-to-5 job, and I didn’t feel like any of the things I could pursue by going to college really interested me. I’ve always had a passion for perfecting my appearance, and I’ve always been overly comfortable with my sexuality. Add a bit of exhibitionism and talent and you have an awesome model! I’d have to say that my influences were any beautiful woman I’ve encountered throughout my life who pushed me to be better at what I do and inspired me to try new things.
Got to love an ambitious, outgoing woman. Now, give our readers some intuition. Tell us a few characteristics of a man that would instantly catch your eye. The first thing that catches my eye about a man is the way he looks and the way he carries himself. I am rarely impressed, and even if you’ve grabbed my attention, that’s only step one! I’m very selective, and sometimes weird, about who I am attracted to or who I let into my life. I’m not looking for a soulmate or a boyfriend, I feel I have those relationship perks from my friends already!
How do you feel about pick-up lines? I haven’t had too many experiences with men bold enough to come up to me and start spouting obvious pick-up lines, but there is one thing that many guys have tried to pull on me that really irks me. When a guy says something like, “I am not one of your fans, I will not follow your modeling career, or join your website. I want to get to know Tara as a person, not a model.” AHHH!
I’ve always had a passion for perfecting my appearance, and I’ve always been overly comfortable with my sexuality.
First of all, not only is that cliche and a total “line”, it also insinuates that you think I am not honest with my fans, and that my career is not important to me, or part of my life. It’s also condescending to the amazing people who have helped me along the way and it means you think you are superior to them, or me. My friends, even my family, support my career and are my biggest fans. I am not one of the girls who shows of their body and thinks, “Oh, I wish someone would love me for the real me!” I put my whole heart into my career! It’s my passion and it is me! I will surely ignore anyone who says something like this.
So I guess this question apparently has been answered already, you aren’t the shy type, you’re the more daring? I am definitely the daring, loud, opinionated and politically incorrect type. I’ve learned to tone it down and be more neutral until I feel out the situation, though. Especially in a professional setting. I’m sure I’ve offended and turned off a lot of the more conservative people I’ve met in the industry. So, if you meet me and I am a little quiet and agreeable, just take it as a compliment! It means I care to please you!
Let’s spice things up. Now, where is the craziest place you’ve had sex? Lots of places! In pools and hot tubs that weren’t empty and secluded, in the football field in high school, bathrooms (the clean ones, only) and more! I’m a little more cautious about it now that I’m older, I’ve heard that you can get jail time or be labeled as a sex offender for it now!
Well aren’t you just every man’s dream! What attracts you most about a man? The way I see it is, I have people in my life who have great personalities, but are not physically attractive to me, and those people are considered friends. So, in order for me to be sexually attracted to you, you have to be hot! What attracts me most are muscles and a cute face. I’m not talking about “beach buff” or those guys who are super cut… I’m talking about professional bodybuilder size! The bigger the muscles, the better. I also like dark features on a man and anything masculine!
How do you feel about a man and his personal hygiene? Personal hygiene is very important! A man must be clean, smell good and look like he takes care of himself. I don’t have a particular style I am into, I like clean cut, and I like the rocker look, but whatever style he chooses it’s got to be done well, look good on him, and he must care about staying healthy and cleanliness!
On the other hand, there is nothing sexier than a sweaty, dirty man who just came from the gym! That’s one of the hottest things to me… just don’t remain dirty and end up smelling like ass!
Yes ma’am! What could a man do to turn you completely off?
Again, poor hygiene is the easiest way to turn me off. It is also a turn off if a man thinks he’s better than others whom he is not, has no personality or no sense of humor, or just isn’t interesting. Whether you’re looking to be a friend with benefits, or just a friend, I require you to have a somewhat likable and trustworthy personality. I’m extremely selective and I like to be able to feel comfortable and let loose!
What’s your opinion on an ideal man, for a woman like you? My perfect man has super huge muscles, pretty brown eyes and golden brown hair, a large and nicely shaped package, and is about 6 feet tall. He’s got way too much testosterone and knows how to protect me, maybe with a little bit of possessiveness. He’s intelligent, driven, supportive, has the same sense of humor and interests that I have, and he’ll give me as much sex as I want while playing video games with me in between!
Yes, I’ve thought about this a little too specifically! It’s a totally do-able request, though!
After learning more about you, I can see why you are one of the most ‘googled’ models. Where did you get such an awesome, one-of-a-kind personality? Aww, how sweet! I was raised very well rounded. I grew up somewhat of a tomboy and most of my friends were boys. I was always interested in video games, comic books and all of the other geeky stuff, but I was also interested in improving my appearance and makeup techniques. My mom and dad supplied me with games, TV shows, etc.. My dad took us to do all of the fun outdoor adventuring, while my mom put me into modeling school when I was 12 to make sure I also nurtured my girly side.
Even back then, I wanted to pursue swimwear and lingerie, but being too young, I decided to quit modeling. I wasn’t interested in doing commercial work for JC Penney! I had more incentive to learn about things of male interest, but I never stopped being passionate about girly stuff as well. That’s pretty much how I’ve become so well rounded with seemingly opposing personality traits. It’s like the best of both worlds!
Enlightening. How do you feel about reaching such great success in your modeling career? I am humbled, surprised, and I feel so lucky and blessed for everything that I have in my life. I didn’t do it on my own at all, though. My wonderful fans and friends helped me so much! Each client and photographer I’ve had I am grateful for as well. I always try to take something from everyone I meet in order to learn and better myself and my career. Thank you, guys!
I’m definitely not through, though. I don’t think I’ll ever be satisfied! I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing…
Ambition at it’s finest! Are you currently working on any projects or goals for the future? (Tell us about some) I am always working on something new. Right now, as far as modeling goes, I am submitting to more print publications, and looking for more awesome online exposure like VIRILE! I am also always expanding my portfolio and my brand, and I am currently adding new features to my website! I will be traveling a lot soon and attending shows like Glamourcon 52 in Long Beach this fall. Come meet me and chat! There’s nothing more fun than meeting my fans!
As for my gig with Impulse Gamer, I am just working to become a credible writer and a respected member of the gaming community. I want to make Tara’s G-Spot huge! I’ve already been featured on IGN (numerous times) and G4TV’s Attack of the Show as a gamer girl and model, but I feel like being a resident writer for one of the best international gaming websites is one of my biggest accomplishments!
If that’s not enough, this year I started a side business called Tara Babcock Can Edit! to showcase my photo retouching, graphic design, and HTML/CSS coding skills. I don’t have too much time to work on promoting it, but it’s one of my babies and something I can use to take up any remainder of my free time I might have. My work can be found at TaraBabcock or at Model Mayhem.
At least we know it’s safe to say you’re a star. So where can we keep in touch with you and stay on top of this boundless work of yours? You can definitely see the most of me on my Instagram . I’ve got thousands of images you can’t get anywhere else uploaded, private diaries and Tara Advice journals, videos, a full-feature online store with posters, a merchandise line, 8x12s and more with discounts, and members also have access to my private e-mail address on my Patreon account!
I also write gaming articles for a section on ImpulseGamer.com entitled Tara’s G-Spot – Games that hit the spot, according to Tara Babcock! If you’re into video games you can check out my articles through my Youtube or through Impulse Gamer’s homepage!
Following me on the social networking sites is a must! I post website and article updates, and other interesting stuff on Google+, Twitter, Facebook and yes, I still have a Myspace!
- Twitter: www.twitter.com/tarababcock
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/officialtarababcockgames